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With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.


By reducing the share of the global population that lives in extreme poverty to 3 percent by 2030.

By increasing the incomes of the poorest 40 percent of people in every country.

The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face.

No. Procurement Agent Region
云南惟诚工程招标代理有限公司 Kunming, Yunnan
五矿国际招标有限责任公司 Haidian District, Beijing
中信国际招标有限公司 Chaoyang District, Beijing
昆明晨晟招标有限责任公司 Kunming, Yunnan
河南省鑫诚工程管理有限公司 Zhengzhou, Henan
中航国际经贸公司 Chaoyang District, Beijing
云南中咨海外咨询有限公司 Kunming, Yunnan
正信伟业招标集团有限公司 Haerbin, Heilongjiang
红河州建设工程招标有限公司 Honghezhou, Yunnan
浙江省国际技术设备招标有限公司 Hangzhou, Zhejiang
中化建国际招标有限责任公司 Dongcheng District, Beijing
广西科文招标有限公司柳州分公司 Liuzhou, Guangxi
中金招标有限责任公司 Haidian District, Beijing
广西鑫润建设项目管理有限公司 Liuzhou, Guangxi
中国机电工程招标有限公司 Haidian District, Beijing
黑龙江省国律招标有限责任公司 Haerbin, Heilongjiang
国家农业综合开发办公室 Xicheng District, Beijing
环境保护部环境保护对外合作中心 Xicheng District, Beijing
中海建国际招标有限责任公司 Lanzhou, Gansu
中国远东国际招标公司 Chaoyang District, Beijing
国义招标股份有限公司 Guangzhou,Guangdong
中国技术进出口总公司 Haidian District, Beijing
中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司 Xicheng District, Beijing
中机国际招标公司 Fengtai, Beijing
中技国际招标公司 Fengtai, Beijing
中仪国际招标公司 Fengtai, Beijing